Qual é a diferença entre "gullible" e "naive" ? (2024)


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14 nov 2018

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Qual é a diferença entre "gullible" e "naive" ? (2)

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14 nov 2018

  • Inglês (EUA)

They are similar words, however have specific usages. If you are gullible, you fall for tricks easily. If you are naive, you lack the experience necessary to make good judgements.


14 nov 2018

  • Inglês (EUA)

Gullible and naive are very similar in meaning with the slight difference that being NAIVE means you lack the experience to make good judgements particularly in complex situations. It's often used to describe young people or people who are young-minded.

Being gullible has nothing to do with experience and describes someone who is easily fooled because they take things at face value.

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Qual é a diferença entre "gullible" e "naive" ? (11)

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14 nov 2018

  • Coreano

@applepi314 Wow! I totally understand! Thank you so much :)



14 nov 2018

  • Coreano

@soulfulsound Your answer is so clear and specific! Thank you so much:)


14 nov 2018

  • Inglês (EUA)

@diphthong you're welcome!


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Qual é a diferença entre "gullible" e "naive" ? (28)Que símbolo é este?

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Qual é a diferença entre "gullible" e "naive" ? (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.