Preparing Perfect Pumpkin Purée & Pepitas ~ Recipes (2024)

Preparing Perfect Pumpkin Purée & Pepitas ~ Recipes (1)

Preparing Perfect Pumpkin Purée & Pepitas ~ Recipes (2)

Preparing Perfect Pumpkin Purée & Pepitas ~ Recipes (3)

Preparing Perfect Pumpkin Purée & Pepitas ~ Recipes (4)

Preparing Perfect Pumpkin Purée & Pepitas ~ Recipes (5)

'Tis officially pumpkin season, ladies and gents! This makes for a very happy heart in yours truly. We adorepumpkins around here: pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, pumpkin scones, pumpkin pancakes... Not to mention the zinc-rich pepitas! Raw is how we take those good ol' pumpkin seeds. Soaked and dehydrated first, if you please. Actually, let me clarify. Our all-time favorite (for both squash and seed) is the kabocha. If you can get your hands on some, do give them a try. Here's how we process our pumpkins (and kabochas):

First of all, turn on some music and light a fall-ish candle or two. Make it a special seasonal moment. (Before you know it, it'll turn into a yearly tradition.) My playlist includes Turkey in the Straw, bluegrass-style. There's the word "pumpkin" in it, and I like themes. It streamlines my brain, I think. Now, most recipes will tell you to use those cute lil' pie pumpkins. They can sometimes have a darker color, and some say they're sweeter, but let's be honest. Pretty much everything we make with pumpkin is sweetened, right? This time around, I'm using a ten pounder and I've had great success with these beasts. There are two ways I like to roast the meat, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?

Cut your pumpkin in half. If it's a biggun like mine, cut each half into a few wedges or even into fourths. Scrape the seeds and stringy guts out with a spoon and put them in a bowl. Let's just keep them there for a minute. We'll come back to you, lovely pepitas.

There are two ways to roast a pumpkin:

Oven-Roasted Pumpkins

  • Preheat oven to 350º.
  • Use the biggest glass pan you have (you may even need to use two), put about a cup of filtered water in the pan, place pumpkins flesh-down in the pan, and roast for about 1 hour or until you can stick a fork in it (hence the "fork" saying).
  • Allow to cool, then scoop flesh out with a spoon into a food processor and pulse a few times to purée. You'll need to do this in a few batches. Over-stuffing the food processor leads to liquifying the bottom half and leaving a chunky top half. Store in glass mason jars. It freezes well (though I'd like to can it one of these days; my freezer is about to erupt with bulk-bought grass-fed beef, bone broth, and berries).

Preparing Perfect Pumpkin Purée & Pepitas ~ Recipes (6)

Crock Pot Pumpkins

  • Turn slow cooker on high, add a little water, stuff pumpkin slices in, and cook for about 4 hours.
  • Allow to cool, then spooninto a food processor and pulse a few times to purée. You'll need to do this in a few batches. Over-stuffing the food processor leads to liquifying the bottom half and leaving a chunky top half.Store in mason jars. Freezes well (but I want to can it, I tell you!)

Preparing Perfect Pumpkin Purée & Pepitas ~ Recipes (7)

    My method of choice?

    The oven. It's faster and the pumpkin isn't as watery once it's cooked.

    On to the Pepitas:

    First, squeeze the seeds out of the membranes and into a colander (see pictures above). I know that sounds gross, but it's really not. I promise. It's actually kinda therapeutic if you ask me. Treat the chickens to the gooey stuff. If you don't have chickens (I'm sorry), compost it along with the pumpkin skin and you'll give the earth a treat. Rinse the pepitas.

    Here's the deal. I tried hulling a batch, thinking my family would appreciate them more, but I came to find out that they actually look forward to the salty, whole pepitas every year. Well that is just fine with me. Besides, I didn't have a good experience trying to hull them (I used this method). Please let me know if you've had success with this operation. I'd love to hear some tips.

    The Riddle household pepita of choice is simply soaking them in a brine of water and about a tablespoon of Celtic sea salt overnight, draining them (don't rinse them), and then dehydrating them at 104º until crispy. You can add seasoning to the brine if you'd like, like garlic powder, parsley flakes, onion powder, etc. But my family is full of purists when it comes this, so I stick with just the salt.


    Preparing Perfect Pumpkin Purée & Pepitas ~ Recipes (2024)


    How to make pumpkin puree taste good? ›

    Cooking down pumpkin purée is similar to browning butter: Water evaporates and the milk solids become flavorful and toasty. For even more flavor, you can add spices (like the celebrated pumpkin pie spice!) to the purée during the cooking step. Heating spices “blooms” them, releasing their flavorful, fragrant oils.

    Which is better for you, pumpkin seeds or pepitas? ›

    One thing to be aware of is that pepitas don't have as much fiber as pumpkin seeds, since the hulls have been removed. Most of the fiber is in the hulls. Hulled seeds have about 1.8 grams of fiber per serving. Pumpkin seeds are tasty and easy to overeat.

    What enhances pumpkin flavor? ›

    Ginger: Ginger often plays a supporting role in pumpkin spice mixes, but it deserves it's own time in the spotlight. Mix your pumpkin with freshly-grated ginger for a spicy, sweet treat. Chili Powder: A good chili spice blend brings out the warm, savory notes in pumpkin. It's pumpkin like you've never seen it before.

    How do you intensify pumpkin flavor? ›

    Ruth Reichl's Tip: Roast Your Pumpkin Purée

    Not only does roasting deepen the flavor of the pumpkin, but it bakes off some of the moisture in the purée, ensuring a more custard-like pie with less risk of a soggy crust.

    Why is my pumpkin mushy inside? ›

    Frequent rains then allowed water to accumulate in the pumpkins. A variety of microorganisms then caused the pumpkin to rot, seemingly from the inside out. To make matters worse, bacterial spot lesions typically occur on the surface of the fruit where rain may easily enter the enlarged lesions.

    How to wring out pumpkin puree? ›

    (Note, if the puree is overly watery, you should strain it on cheesecloth or over a fine mesh strainer to get rid of some of the liquid. Then fill the food processor with more pumpkin chunks. And puree away!

    How many pepitas should I eat a day? ›

    The American Heart Association recommends a quarter cup of daily intake of pumpkin seeds as part of an overall healthy diet, which is approximately 30 g. This amount will provide you with a good amount of protein, healthy fats, fiber, zinc, selenium, magnesium, and other effective nutrients.

    Is there anything unhealthy about pumpkin seeds? ›

    If you eat too many, you may experience gas and bloating. Fiber helps bulk up stool and prevents constipation in the long run, but eating a lot of pumpkin seeds at once may actually cause constipation. As you snack on pumpkin seeds, keep in mind they're high in calories and fat.

    What does pumpkin seed do for men? ›

    Pumpkin seeds benefits for male

    Zinc promotes healthy sperm production and may help improve fertility. Additionally, pumpkin seeds contain antioxidants that can support prostate health and reduce the risk of prostate-related issues.

    Why do you soak pumpkin seeds in water? ›

    Pumpkin seeds are covered in a thin membrane. The enzymes in the membrane are difficult to chew and digest, which is why you want to soak the seeds for 12-24 hours. For every 1 cup of seeds add: [2 cups of water + 1/2 Tablespoon salt.] Some sources indicate that a 10 minute soak will do the job.

    Does homemade pumpkin puree taste better than canned? ›

    It's thicker, fresher, and sweeter tasting than canned. I used homemade pumpkin puree when baking pumpkin bread this weekend. The pumpkin was so sweet tasting that I was able to reduce the sugar in the recipe by one third.

    What to do with tasteless pumpkin? ›

    1. slice it up thinly and put it on pizza.
    2. dice it up and add it to couscous, rice, or pasta sauce (a cream-based sauce with paprika and garlic is nice, maybe sauteed sliced onions, spinach, bacon, chicken)
    3. make some pumpkin pie spice and use it and the pumpkin for baking: cupcakes, brownies, whatever.
    Dec 4, 2014

    Can you eat pumpkin puree by itself? ›

    Pumpkin puree is made by steaming and pureeing squash so there are no added ingredients. Is canned pumpkin cooked? Yes, it's already been cooked via steaming. It's safe to eat canned pumpkin straight from the can, but it's infinitely better baked into a pan of pumpkin bars.

    How do you eat plain pumpkin puree? ›

    If you want to add pumpkin puree to your regular meal routine, start by stirring some into morning oatmeal along with some cinnamon for a fall flavored breakfast, or spread pumpkin puree on toast and drizzle with honey instead of using jam.

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