How Long Does Teeth Whitening From A Dentist Last? - Brilliant Smiles Lakeland Lakeland Florida (2024)

Teeth whitening from a dentist is a great way to improve the appearance of your smile and remove stubborn stains. A common question that many patients ask relates to how long the results last, and this review offers insights into what you can expect when visiting a dentist for professional, in-office teeth whitening.

A review of teeth whitening from a dentist

Many cosmetic dentists and general dentists recommend professional, in-office teeth whitening to patients who have a healthy smile and want to improve their appearance through brightening their teeth. The following is everything to know about professional teeth whitening, including insights into how long the results last.

Professional teeth whitening explained

Professional teeth whitening is a cosmetic treatment offered by most general and cosmetic dentists. There are two types of professional teeth whitening: in-office and take-home kits. An in-office whitening procedure involves isolating the teeth from the gums and applying a whitening solution, which targets stains and safely improves the overall shade of all visible teeth. Take-home kits work in a similar fashion, although they are not monitored by the dentist’s staff and the results do not last as long as in-office whitening results.

What to expect after teeth whitening from a dentist

After in-office teeth whitening, there should be little to no side effects. Some patients may experience slight teeth sensitivity, although this should be minor and go away relatively quickly. If there are any concerns after leaving the office, contact the dental office and let them know of the concerns. The dentist and their staff are also there during treatment to monitor the procedure the entire time for optimal safety and effectiveness. The results should last for up to a year, although this depends on the quality of care (see below).

How to make the teeth whitening results last longer

Teeth whitening should last for a year or longer. However, getting the most out of your whitening results requires following the dentist’s aftercare instructions. This likely includes brushing regularly (use a whitening toothpaste once a week), limiting coffee and tea consumption and drinking water throughout the day. Many dentists recommend whitening treatment once per year, and taking good care of your teeth can ensure the results last for the entire year without any stains developing.

When to consider teeth whitening from a dentist

General dentists are first concerned with the oral health of the patient. However, patients who have good oral health and visit the dentist regularly are great candidates for teeth whitening, particularly those who are interested in improving the appearance of their smile by brightening teeth. With that said, any patient can receive a treatment plan that includes teeth whitening.

Consult with our dental team to learn more

Get in touch with our dental team today to schedule a visit for professional teeth whitening. Call us today or send us an email to get the process of achieving an improved smile started, and we are glad to answer any questions you have along the way.

Are you considering teeth whitening in the Lakeland area? Get more information at

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Teeth Whitening in Lakeland, FL.

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How Long Does Teeth Whitening From A Dentist Last? - Brilliant Smiles Lakeland Lakeland Florida (2024)
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